9 Dec 2023: The 41st Edition of the HYSEA Leadership Development Program kicked off on 18th Nov, creating an engaging space for learning. Seasoned industry leaders curated a collective wisdom pool, guiding participants through the intricacies of management and illuminating the path to career growth. Vanitha Datla set the tone with her impactful inaugural keynote, underscoring the importance of innate leadership traits.
While Bipin Pendyala provided profound insights into effective leadership behaviours, covering crucial aspects. And Hari Baradwaj shared insights into the interconnected nature of career and personal growth. An enriching exploration of strategic thinking, customer-centricity, and emotional intelligence by V. Laxmikanth, Prashanth Nandella, and Yogesh Agiwal.
Lekha Sistha’s valuable perspectives on branding for career advancement, Isaac Rajkumar’s illumination on collaborative leadership to achieve shared goals, Dr. Kiranmai Pendyala’s deepening of our communication skills, and Santanu Paul’s exploration of strategies for cooperation and conflict prevention. Kishore Borra shared invaluable leadership lessons, while Amit Mitra explored problem-solving and innovation through Design Thinking. Ilango guided us in Conflict Resolution, emphasizing shared frameworks and structured strategies. M. Narasimha Rao ‘s impactful valedictory speech resonated with the call for active change. The diverse insights from these business leaders, alongside others from earlier weeks, have left an indelible mark on our leadership development journey. Participants actively engaged in Experiential Learning translating concepts into real-world scenarios. This hands-on approach added depth to their learning experience, fostering a more profound understanding of leadership dynamics. More than 50+ associates from member companies participated in this four weeks workshop.