Any firm, society, company or division thereof registered or incorporated in Telangana and conducting business in IT software, IT services, Internet, e-commerce or IT enabled services, and/or associated services is eligible to apply for membership provided

Membership Brochure
Benefits to Members
HYSEA helps its member companies in many activities. These companies are mainly in the business of IT software products, software services, e-commerce, IT enabled services, etc.

Timely access to information that affects the industry

Access to Academia through the Industry-Academia Forum

Opportunity to participate in Annual HYSEA Product awards

Opportunities to enhance competencies of your work force

Ability to be involved in influencing the industry related regulations

Access to industry trends and Business Development opportunities

Leverage collective strength to get best deals in the Eco system

Channel collective strength to contribute back to the societ
How to Become a Member
Enclose the necessary documents and remittances with the form and post the form to the HYSEA officeÂ
IT/ITES organisations can become Member, while organisations part of the IT Eco-system like Educational Institutions, IT Parks, Training Organizations, Internet / Telecom Service Providers etc may register as Associate Members.
The intimation letter will be sent to the concern office with the membership number after processing the formalities