The SME forum helps identify topics relevant to small and medium enterprises, working closely with the government to promote IT/ITeS wellbeing. The group has successfully worked on a committee that will provide Telangana-based businesses with an easier access to secure business from Government through favorable procurement policies regime, and promote peer to peer collaboration among SMEs. HYSEA has three members in this committee along with the Government and NASSCOM representation.
Key Activities
As a unique regional IT and ITeS Industry association, HYSEA is a driving force in the Telangana industry. It supports its members with various activities and helps them to compete globally and become world-class in their operations. Some of the major focus areas include:
- Help SMEs to secure business from Government through lobbying for favorable and preferential procurement policy regime for procurement from SMEs.
- Help SMEs to source business through enabling reach out programs (participation in trade delegation and such) through potential customers worldwide.
- Help SMEs member companies with insights (market access, networks, operations) to execute effectively and compete in their respective markets and businesses.
- Enable knowledge dissemination on best practices followed in the industry, and on topics of interest such as Tax compliance, Forex, Performance Management.
- SME Forum shall organize an Annual Flagship event to help SMEs gather insights on emerging business and technology trends, new business opportunities.
- Help member companies achieve recognition during the pursuit of their growth journey.
- Savings through group buying – smart procurement (facilitate negotiations for preferential pricing on products and services where feasible).
- Provide a platform to learn by leveraging know how of successful companies, informed peer group, large enterprises and specialist advisory through learning and development events.
- Facilitate sharing of insights, collaboration where feasible amongst SMEs to achieve common goals.
- SME forum shall organize talks by eminent speakers on topics of interest.
- SME Forum shall organize periodic SME networking meetings.
- SME forum shall secure relevant Industry research reports and make it available in HYSEA library.
- Enable member companies to benchmark themselves with the best in class to excel and become Enterprises of the future.
- SME forum shall organize talks by eminent speakers on topics of interest and also organize periodic SME networking meetings. Facilitate sharing of insights, collaboration which is feasible amongst SMEs to achieve common goals.
- Every year Biz Summit is conducted in the month of April.
Forum Leader
Kiran Cherukuri – Vice President – HYSEA / Founder & CEO Tech Era IT Consulting
Forum members include SME business founders / CXOs