16th July 2024: HYSEA hosted an interactive session for member companies with DEET (Digital Employment Exchange of Telangana). The event provided valuable insights into the DEET technology platform and its innovative features designed to enhance employment opportunities and skill development. DEET Technology Platform is an AI & ML-powered platform connecting job seekers, job providers, and skill providers via a multilingual mobile app and web portal. Features include AI job search, location-enabled jobs, high relevance matching, real-time alerts and notifications, data analytics and insights, chat bots and in-app chat, interview scheduling, and seamless onboarding to hiring.
DEET Offers:
Unlimited job postings.
Direct walk-in drives.
College campus recruitment drives.
Job fairs
Ensures robust protection of data.
No database access is granted to external parties.
Standard verification of job seekers
Backend verification of job postings before they go live.

DEET #EmploymentExchange #AI #ML #SkillDevelopment #Recruitment #Innovation #Telangana