22nd September 2022: HYSEA launches “Ignite Spark”, an important diversity initiative for young women. The key objective of the intervention is to encourage and guide young women to pursue long-term careers. This program will give young women in their 3rd and 4th year of engineering/or any other graduate program, an opportunity to interact with Industry leaders, and listen to them via webinars and in-person events on a wide range of topics pertaining to sustaining a successful career. But that’s not all….select enthusiastic and passionate students will be invited to visit IT campuses to spend a day with successful industry role models! The launch in the HYSEA office saw the active participation of young women from engineering colleges in Hyderabad and tier 2 cities. Rain and distance did not deter the young women in attendance. Ms. Begi Margret, Senior Principal Consultant, L&D, Infosys had deep conversations to know the aspirations in career planning and the challenges. Ignite Spark is aimed at helping to create a conscious career path for young women in the state of Telangana.